New jokes app aia file free download for thunkable

New jokes app aia file free download for thunkable

Description:This aia file helps you to build a simple jokes  app in thunkable.The jokes app have more than six categories like desi jokes,wife jokes,santa-banta jokes,college jokes,admin jokes,teacher jokes and popular jokes also you can add more categories without any app stoped problem.the app base on list view blocks and you can add thousands of jokes in the form of list.This method helps you to build a shayri  and status app in thunkable or app inventor.All the text are in html formate.
This helps you share and read jokes in exact way.App have simple controls like next,share on whatsapp and back buttons to controls the list formates.share button share jokes directly on whatsapp.The app contain single banner and interstellers ads and all the ads are place at perfect places to give maximum revenue to yours ,please do not change ads formate.This app an example to build better apps in thunkable and app inventor.
#make some small changes in app before uploading on google playstore.


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